On November 21st I turned 30. It was a pretty fun weekend, aside from feeling like my young days are behind me :( Zui was kind enough to let me have the whole weekend as a birthday celebration.

Friday night we got a babysitter and went out to eat at the Cattle Company. They give you your birthday dinner and dessert for free. So nice to be able to eat dinner with two hands!

Saturday Zui watched the kids so I could get together for 4 hours with my friend Teressa to do some cardmaking. I rarely have time to make cards nowadays, so it was really fun to do.

Sunday was my actual birthday. Zui made me my favorite breakfast: homemade waffles with sauteed cinnamon apples and fresh whipped cream. What a treat!

Believe it or not there was actually no church on my birthday! Instead was the Laie temple rededication. The Hess' watched our kids so we could attend. Again, a treat.

Sunday dinner, again my favorite: Roast beef, mashed potatoes and gravy.

We were so stuffed from Sunday's dinner that we decided against dessert. Instead on Monday after FHE we stuck a candle in some peanut butter cup icecream and called it good. With Thanksgiving just around the corner I didn't want to have a bunch of leftover dessert in the house. The kids loved it, and it was so easy--no mess! We didn't have a '0' candle, so Anjuli likes to tell me this picture is when I turned '3.'
Thanks to everyone who helped make my birthday so special!

p.s. This is the only picture I have of Thanksgiving Day so I thought I'd tag it on the end. We got together with the Hess' and had a really fun time. I cooked the turkey, mashed potatoes and gravy, rolls, and chocolate cream cheese pie, while Micaela cooked the yams, cranberry jello, chocolate haupia pie and pumpkin pie. It was a feast for all of us. Unfortunately we never got a picture of it all happening! So Zui insisted he take a picture of the cooks :) Between the two of us we've got 6 children, so you can imagine how busy it was feeding everyone and changing diapers. Happy Thanksgiving!