I was lucky enough to have a "birthday weekend" thanks to an encouraging husband :)

On Saturday night a few friends got together and went to Bravo's, one of my favorite restaurants. Micaela's bday is just a few days before mine, so we had a little birthday bash for us, plus some. We got to ride in Andrea Taylor's convertible...with the top down! Let me tell you, it was SO much fun. I felt like I was a young, free, college student. Something about lots of girls in a convertible with wind blowing in your face is just so liberating!

The morning of my birthday Zui made blueberry muffins, yum! Zeya loved saying to me, "Ha-Birday Ma!"

Right after we picked the kids up from preschool we headed to Ho'omaluhia. I love that place. It is so calm and peaceful, and I love that the kids are happy there. And that's what I wanted for my birthday: happy kids. Kinda funny, cause when we picked them up from preschool Anjuli had just gotten this cupcake loaded with pink frosting from a classmate's bday party. Everyone was hungry and wanted to eat it...how do you share one cupcake between 3 toddlers?? Well of course I didn't want pink frosting all over the van so I held that cupcake for the entire half hour drive with Zeya screaming non-stop. I almost threw in the rag and turned around to go home...so glad I didn't.

We had a great time feeding the ducks. There are always soo many ducks there, and some big geese, too. The kids love having life-size animals following them around.

Feeding the fish is fun, too. There are CHOKE koi!

It was really amazing to see them all literally jump out of the water to grab the bread. Too bad you can't fish these koi, you could scoop them up with a butterfly net!

I just realized how crooked Jazzy is...good thing she didn't fall out! And no, it's not cold in Hawaii, Zion just LOVES to wear his jacket--with the hood on--all the time.

Anjuli insisted we all put flowers in our hair, even Jazzy :)

After the kids naps we went to...Chuck E Cheese! I wanted to spoil the kids and let them do whatever they wanted. After a half hour there we headed to McDonald's where the kids ate and played. When we got home Zui grilled us some steaks.

Birthday cake was meant to be a homemade mango pie but...the mangoes we were going to use had worms in them...so a few pastries did the trick. All in all, a great birthday! Thanks to everyone who helped make it special :)