Sunday, August 14, 2011

Baby Jaz pics

So we (meaning I) wanted to get Jaz's pics taken professionally because she is so darn cute and I wanted a good camera to take a nice clean picture. Well I got the sharp picture but baby Jaz screamed the entire time. I tried everything: nursing, bouncing, the works. It would calm her down and then as soon as I would set her down to get the picture taken..."waaah!" So these are the best shots we got. I settled for "no smiles but not screaming" after an hour of hopeless picture taking... And funny, about the JAZ sign, I don't actually have a Jasmine sign up yet so I used a J from Anjuli, A from Izaiah and Z from Zion's names :) It works!


United Seven said...

So cute! I'm getting excited for October so Jaz and Miriam can meet!

Jessica said...

SOOOOOOOOOOO stinkin' adorable!!!!! I can't believe she's so big!! We got your birth announcement...well, not YOU ha ha ha in the mail awhile back. I'm sorry I didn't say anything. Seriously. She's BEAUTIFUL :)