Alright, So I never have a chance to post on Jenn's blog, and since she's busy with a scrapbooking party at Aunty Grace's house I decided to stop playing video games and try posting something on our blog. I guess it does say Jenn and ZUI Kim Ohana.
First of all before I start this bathroom fun tale, I just wanted to say how much I LOVE JENN and am so amazed at the mother and wife she is. I am especially amazed at how patient she is with my idea of fun projects...
So the story goes, our bath tub had 4 cracks in the bottom which was pretty severe (I actually got acrylic chips lodged in my foot from the cracks before). So after a year of scrubbing mildew off the cracks Jenn wanted the bathroom fixed ASAP. We got contractors to come quote out how much it would be to remove the bathtub and surround and install a new one. Most were over $1000 just for the labor. Well I decided it was too much for my parents (the landlords) to pay, and thinking like a financial planner, I told them that I'd do it for $500. Although I have worked in plumbing, maintenance and apt renovations, I've never undertaken any DIY (Do-It-Yourself) project on this scale.
So after checking out forums, blogs, and other websites and finding out how to actually do it, I committed to doing it myself.
9/12 Friday Day 1
After taking out fixtures I really had no idea what to do next. So I decided to go old fasion and crowbar/hammer down sides without breaking plumbing & have fun demolishing old bathtub.

4 hours later shower at Daro's house go on a date with Jenn.
9/13 Saturday Day 2
Get truck from Dad's house, remove tub/surround to Waipahu dump, go to Lowes with dad purchase new tub and surround.

Two hours after bringing home the tub we finally got it in. Had to do the drain & overflow plumbing through small crack while dad was trying to hold up the tub. Probably the hardest part of the whole operation. Fits perfectly in framing =) Next, drill holes in surround to allow access to plumbing. Mount surround and tub to framing, caulk and let dry.
9/14 Sunday Day 3
Church. Shower at neighbors house
9/15 Monday Day 4
Office meetings, Jenn teach piano, find out that the plumbing doesn't match the surround and will have to return the surround.
*Jenn contacts a contractor to see how much it will be to finish my project.
9 /16 Tuesday Day 5
Remove caulking, borrow truck from dad go to Lowes and return surround, pick up different one return home. Measure & drill holes in new surround again. Caulk again. Wait for caulk to dry.
Run to Home depot to pick up 1/4" dry wall, mud, and other spackling tools. Add shims to the 2x4s so the flange and shims are level. Measure & cut drywall. Nail drywall to shims/2x4s and flanges.
Business appointments in afternoon and night.
*Jenn tired of bathing kids and showering at Kevin & Ven's house.

9/17 Wednesday Day 6
Add first layer of mud onto drywall. Wait 24 hours to dry.
Head to Kailua for work.
*Pictures of me worki ng slows down as Jenn finds project not-so-entertaining. Jenn showers at Jo & Kanoa's house.
9/18 Thursday Day 7
Mud mostyly dried, decided to go ahead and apply second coat of mud. Bring fans in to speed up drying process.
Head to City Mill to get paint matched with existing color through their computer matching system. Buy high-moisture primer and other painting/texture supplies
Sand the mud to smooth it out. Clean lightly with damp rag.
Tape tub and fixtures, primer the walls. Remove tape. Let dry.
9/19 Friday day 8
*No pictures by this time. Jenn is completely sick of project.
Tape tub, apply 2nd coat of Primer. Remove tape. Dry.
Tape, add texture. One bottle of texture insufficient, run to Lowes for second bottle, finish texture. Dry.
9/20 Saturday day 9
Paint final semi gloss matched color.
Finish putting bath fixtures on & PAU HANA.
Have to wait another 24 hours to dry before showering--Jenn's thrilled...

So maybe the process wasn't exactly all fun, but it sure was nice getting my hands dirty and working hard. Although I would definitely do it again, Jenn say's you can't pay her enough to have had a contractor do in half the time =) One of the joys of the DIY lifestyle I guess.
Notes to self:
Don't attempt full bathroom project if there's only 1 bathtub in house, and 4 people share the only tub.
Buy fast drying mud.
Don't start before Sunday
Remove tape quickly after caulk/paint or it'll peel off on parts you want it to stay on.
Check fixtures colors before buying.
Tell Jenn how much you love her every night that project is still in progress.
Thank Jenn for her patience =)