October 24-31st I had the trip of a lifetime. Me and Baby Jaz flew to Oregon to spend a week with my family. I got to see my mom and dad, my brother Carl and his fam, and my 3 sisters. The best part of the trip was just being with my family again.
Baby Jaz getting to know Papa again :)

Famous "Papa's Kisses"

Spent some time at the Ham home. All the kids had grown up so much! Gary loves holding baby Jaz, and even offered to watch her while Julie and I went out to dinner (thanks!)

Everyone loves feeding baby Jaz ;)

Dad took us all out to eat at Golden Crown, where we had our "favorite things" party that Cindy put together. Everyone brought two of their favorite things, then we all swapped. It was really fun to see what everyone else liked, and come home with something new.

I spent a night at Carl and Aimee's house. Tyler just got his permit and can drive!! I can't believe how old he is--I remember when he was born!

Again, everyone loves feeding baby Jaz, she was more popular than me! lol

Jazzy girl really liked Carl. He could always get her to smile.

I just had to take a picture of their wall, I think it is so cute. Maybe someday I'll do something similar.

Aimee and I had a really fun craft day. We spent several hours making cards.

Look at all of our materials!

Even Ryan joined in the fun!

Natalie with Jazzy girl.

On Friday the Jones girls and Mom headed down to Seaside for 2 nights at the Worldmark. Between us girls we left behind 20 kids at home!! We were all
a little ecstatic :)

On the way we stopped to see Aunt Erna. She is 90 something but still going strong. She is such a crack-up! And her mind is so sharp, she says she does crossword puzzles and plays Scrabble to exercise her mind.

Mom treated us to lunch at Pig'n Pancake, yum! Luckily Jasmine fell asleep so I could eat with 2 hands.

We had to stop to get Elephant Ears--one of my favorite memories of beach trips to Seaside.

Jaz was such a good baby traveling around so much, still all smiles.

Uncle Lance came to visit, my mom's brother. It was great seeing him again.

Girls in the kitchen, yes we are bakers :)

Saturday morning yoga session! Corina taught us all a few moves.

Friday was such a rainy, stormy day, but Saturday turned out to be gorgeous, and warm enough to wear a short sleeve shirt!

Miriam and baby Jaz just cruised on the sand while we took pictures....until Jasmine started rolling away!

Me and my sis Julie. My sisters convinced me to cut my hair like Julie's, so now we're twinners!

"I love your hair!"

Gotta love the jumping pics--this is something I learned from the Kim ohana, they always do this!

Saturday morning Cindy and I took a walk on the beach while mom watched our kids. It felt so nice to get out. We let go and ended up doing cartwheels!

Me and Cinds had lots of great talks, it was so nice to catch up. I can't believe I didn't get a picture of us together!

Miri and Jazzy girl at 5 months, just 2 weeks apart.

Aren't they cute?

Back at the Hughes home, having some girl time painting nails.

We stayed up late playing Dance Central--soo much fun!

Juje and Creen showing their moves.

We even got my mom and dad to do it!

The next morning I flew home, and got a great big welcome home from Zui and the kids. It was great to see them again.

The biggest surprise was coming home to Zeya in underwear! Zui potty-trained him while I was gone!!

Julie gave me some Spiderman pajamas for Zion, which he absolutely LOVES.

Thank you Zui, for watching the kids for a whole week!