Friday, October 31, 2008

To Be Like Shawna

Early this morning I woke up and got this crazy idea to make pumpkin pancakes. I imagined being the perfect mom having cute little orange pumpkin shaped pancakes coming hot off the griddle as my sleepy children came in all cheery and ready to eat. Well, what really happened was quite the opposite. There I was trying to find a pancake recipe, while everyone was screaming in the background. Anjuli was inbetween my legs wanting attention, Zion was hungry... Then I noticed Zui looking at me with that look like, "why? why are you going through all this trouble when we could just have cereal" look. To which I exclaimed, "I just want to be Shawna for once!" You see, Shawna is the Hawaiian version of Martha Stewart. She is always cooking up cute things for her kids to eat. To give you an idea, here are how my pancakes turned out: The orange food coloring did nothing. Pancakes are already that color...kindof
In case you couldn't tell, this is a cat, a pumpkin, and I can't remember what the other one is supposed to be--maybe a bat?

These are Shawna's creations. She calls this dinner. I call it amazing.

This is lunch. Can you believe any child is lucky enough to go to school with a lunch like this?

Oh, to be like Shawna. Well, I don't think it will happen in this lifetime, but maybe I'll learn a few things in the world to come.


Jessica said...

You did awesome! I try and do fun things too. Then I realize, this person (Martha Stewart for example) is like 65 years old! WE'll be able to do that when we're 65 too! ha ha

Da TuPolAz said...

that's too funny when I saw the pictures of fancy food I thought of shawna too...I think you did a really good job. One day I might put that much time into preparing meals for my family